Online/ofline md5 cracker
Currently containes about 14 db for online cracking

here are two snips from the source code:

128   def bigtrapeze():
129     site = ''
130     rest = 'md5/index.php?query=%s' %passwd
131     req = urllib2.Request(site+rest)
132     req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:\
133     Gecko/20100316 AskTbSPC2/ Firefox/3.6.2')
134     opener = urllib2.build_opener()
135     data =
136     match ='(=> <strong>)(\w+.\w+)', data)
137     if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' %(site,
138     else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' %site
139   bigtrapeze()
211     def offline():
212       print '[+] This opertaion will take some time, be patient ...'
213       dictionary = sys.argv[3]
214       dic = {}
215       shooter = 0
216       try:
217         f = open(dictionary, 'rb')
218         for line in f:
219           line = line.rstrip()
220           dic[line] = hashlib.md5(line).hexdigest()
221         for k in dic.keys():
222           if passwd in dic[k]:
223             print '\n[-] Hash:', dic[k], '   \t\t\t', 'Data:', k
224             shooter += 1
225         if shooter == 0:  print "\n[*]Password not found in [%s] try the online cracker\n" % dictionary
226         f.close()
227       except IOError: print '\n[*] Erorr: %s doesn\'t exsit \n' % dictionary
228     offline()

Tow shots for using both the flags in cracking:

to download it in plain text: download

[원문] :
[필자 테스트]

Very good Job~ :D

Posted by bitfox