'글로벌_Gossip/2012'에 해당되는 글 4건

  1. 2012.03.13 GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37 - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability by bitfox
  2. 2012.03.05 BackTrack 5 R2 Released by bitfox
  3. 2012.02.28 GPS at risk from terrorists, rogue nations, and $50 jammers, expert warns by bitfox
  4. 2012.01.03 The Hacker News Hacking Awards : Best of Year 2011 by bitfox

조지아에 살고 있는 19살 Ucha Gobejishvili 군(?)이 곰 플레이어 대한 오버플로우 취약점을 발견하였다. 간단한 동영상을 유튜브를 통해 올려놓았는데.. 코드는 공개하지 않고는 있지만 그레텍에서 이 사실을 알고 조속히 보안 패치를 취해 주었으면 하는 바이다.

GOM Player (Gretech Online Movie Player) is a 32/64-bit media player for Microsoft Windows, distributed by the Gretech Corporation of South Korea.
It is the primary client player for South Korean GOM-TV, and is more popular in South Korea than any other media player. Key strengths inherited from libavcodec include wide ranging ability to play media files, including .flv - without needing to obtain an external codec, and the ability to play some broken media files. Both of those features are present in other projects using libavcodec like VLC and MPlayer, but are absent from some other media software, including Windows Media Player.

[출처 및 링크] secday.blogspot.in

Posted by bitfox

이런..벌써 BackTrack 5 R2가 릴리즈 되었네요..;; 아직 R1도 적응 못했는데~;;
R2에서는 역시나 엄청난 넘들을 장착(?)하고 나왔습니다. 무려 42개의 새로운 툴과 Metasploit 4.2.1 Community Edition 장착 소셜엔지니어 툴킷 3.0등 Upgrade 되었구요. 커널도 Upgrade하면서 속도 또한 빨라졌다고 합니다.

자세한건 홈 페이지에서 확인하시길 바랍니다.

Posted by bitfox

"GPS at risk from terrorists, rogue nations, and $50 jammers, expert warns" 란 기사로 재미난(?) 뉴스가 23일 Fox News를 통해 나왔습니다.

"GPS 교란 장치"라고 보시면 될것 같은데요. 작년에 북한에서 사용한 교란 장치와 비슷한 원리인듯 합니다. 단돈 50달러면 구한다는데.. 미국 공항부터 화물선까지 GPS jammer에 취약하다는 뉴스..

관련 뉴스 [링크]

Posted by bitfox
2011 has been labeled the "Year of the Hack” or “Epic #Fail 2011”. Hacking has become much easier over the years, which is why 2011 had a lot of hacking for good and for bad. Hackers are coming up with tools as well as finding new methods for hacking faster then companies can increase their security.  Every year there are always forward advancements in the tools and programs that can be used by the hackers.

Posted by bitfox